The Asylum Service announced that the registration of all the immigrants asking for asylum will have been completed sooner than expected. According to the announcement by the end of January 17% of the immigrants will have been registered and by the end of April the process will have been fully completed.
As we speak, 27592 applications are being registered. The help of EASO (European Asylum Support Office) was very important, as it provided translations for more languages and as a result 2500 more applications will have been completed by the end of February 2017. Due to these changes, whoever had an arranged appointment for registration at the Relocation Department of Alimos and at the Regional Offices of Thessaloniki and Alexandroupoli by the 1st of February should confirm the date and place of registration because it might have changed. The relocation of the applicants from hospitality spots to the Relocation Department and the Regional Offices will take place with the help of UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR).
Details for all the above can be found at Asylum’s Service webpage (, using your registration number. For any additional information and help that you need you can contact with Immigrants Support Organization (OYM).