There is much talk about which procedure should be followed by immigrants’ children that live in Greece in order to get Greek citizenship.
Based on the recently voted legislation and despite the difficulties that may come up, the specialized consultants of explain that the procedure is simple as long as the people who wish to get Greek citizenship follow the legal steps, always with the help of a specialized lawyer.
One of the basic conditions to get Greek citizenship is that the kid has a permanent residence in Greece and he/she is or was a student in a Greek school.
The conditions by case are the following:
-First and very basic condition is that at least one of the kid’s parents is a Greek citizen or if the parents are immigrants they should have been legally living in Greece for at least 5 years before the child was born.
-Parents should submit together an application in order to register the kid at the city’s population registry at the municipality of its permanent residence.
-Greek citizenship can also get kids of immigrants that go to a Greek school or are graduates from a Higher Education Institute/Technical Education Institute in Greece as long as they have a secondary grade graduation certificate from a Greek school in Greece.
-In case the kid is older, it should have attended at least the first three years of mandatory education in a Greek school in Greece and should have a permanent residence in Greece. Greek citizenship can be obtained after the age of 18 and provided that the kid has made an application at the population registry of the municipality of the kid’s permanent residence three years later than his 18th birthday the most.